The Integrative NeuroSomatic® Self-Mastery Blueprint is a holistic, science-based, roadmap that accelerates an individual’s ability to consciously integrate key, proven practices essential for optimizing their performance levels in seven uniquely identified human domains; becoming better versions of themselves and gaining access greater balance, focus and flow without compromising impact, authenticity & time in the process. These seven (7) human domains or pillars, which when collectively mastered:

  1. Expands ones understanding and knowledge of Self, Individual Purpose & Personal Vision
  2. Improves Emotional Awareness & Mental Balance
  3. Expands Mindset and Unlocks Access to Greater Flow and Cognitive Performance
  4. Re-established the Mind-Body Connection
  5. Revitalizes the Gut-Brain Access for Optimal Performance
  6. Cultivates SECURE Interpersonal Relationships
  7. Awakens one to our Universal & Collective Interconnectedness

Ultimately, through the development and integration of practical, daily rituals which facilitate mastery in each of these seven (7) domains, we accelerate the self-discovery journey and move towards becoming the best version of ourselves - i.e. Becoming Human 2.0!.

Take a moment to explore these seven (7) domains below:

Integrative NeuroSomatic® Self-Mastery Blueprint


Human By Design!

Mastery of the Intrapersonal Domain involves a deep journey within, contemplating the meaning of self, purpose, the mind and our relationship to consciousness; having or developing awareness of ones personal values, strengths, weaknesses, passions, and inner wisdom to navigate the human experience in accordance with and intentionally aligned to our spiritual, biophysiological and personal blueprint.
Intrapersonal Mastery


Regulate and Elevate!

Mastery of the Emotional Domain involves cultivating the ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, understand and manage the response to the emotions, feelings and moods within oneself as well as honing the ability to perceive, understand and manage the impacts of emotions within others.


Awaken the Quantum Mind!

Mastery of the Attention Domain involves the act or faculty of conscious observation, especially by directing the mind or ones awareness to a single object, thought, process, belief system, or mindset; with the intention of expanding ones capacity to maintain or sustain a mindset and the additional practices necessary to access and activate states of flow and optimal cognitive performance.


Designed to Move!

Mastery of the Somatic Domain involves the understanding of the physical body of an individual as contrasted with or distinguished from the soul, mind, or psyche; corporeal. This pillar integrates the science of the Mind-body connection, functional movement and optimal mitochondrial functioning with human genomics and ancient wisdom.


Reset, Repair and Revitalize!

Mastery of the Nutritional Domain entails understanding the process by which living organisms obtain food and use it for nourishment, growth, metabolism, and healing as medicine. However, proper nutrition does not only center on food and nourishment. In order to maintain functional nutritional health, there should be an integration of dietary guidelines, environmental factors, food composition, and the roles that various nutrients have in maintaining health with the science of Nutrigenomics or the study of how the genome and diet interact to influence human health and disease.


Connect, Cultivate and Grow!

Mastery of the Interpersonal Domain involves either the cultivation or nourishment of a new or existing connection between individuals. This connection may be related to general communications, simple social interactions, and/or ultimately the personal, professional, or intimate relationships that exist between people. With trust being foundational to all interpersonal relationships, it is important to understand the neurobiology of what drives human behavior when it comes to honing one's ability to more effectively relate to, connect with and building trusting as well as SECURE relationships with others.


Awakening to Unity Resonance!

Universal Mastery is experiencing this life's existence through the lens of the unified field (quantum science) or unity consciousness (ancient wisdom). In a practical sense, it is the state of being united, interconnected or combined into one, as of the parts of a whole, number of persons; community, society, harmony, character, feeling, or oneness of body-mind-spirit. This can be likened to being in a state where universal compassion exists for all things.

Ready to tap into your true potential?

Contact us to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call with an expert member on our team.

Learn more about our total suite of solutions, get your specific questions answered and then determine if we a mutual fit. We would be honored to help you assess and to potentially partner with you as you prepare for the next evolution of your personal, leadership or organizational development journey.

Schedule a Discovery Call.